The children listened with rapt
attention as Philip told his own story of Jesus. He told of when he first met
Jesus. He told many stories from the life and teachings of Jesus. And finally
he told of the horrible death Jesus suffered and the amazing resurrection that
brought Him back to life.
The eunuch, like the children,
hung on Philip’s every word.
Finally, Philip finished by
unrolling the scroll to the same passage and reading it again, “He was led as a
sheep to the slaughter. And as a lamb is silent before the shearers, he did not
open his mouth. He was humiliated and received no justice. Who can speak of his
descendants? For his life was taken from the earth.”
“That,” Philip said, “is Jesus.
He went willingly to His death—to our death, really—taking our penalty. He did
not cry out or condemn those who nailed Him to the cross. He was judged falsely,
whipped mercilessly, laughed at, spat upon and taunted with horrible words from
many witnesses. And, indeed, He was taken from the earth. He returned to His
Father in Heaven where He now prepares a place for us!”
“You are a fantastic
storyteller,” The eunuch said, respectfully. “Thank you for sharing what only
you could share.”
“Now it is your story,” Philip
said opening his hands to reveal his palms, “if you wish to accept it. Jesus
took your place too on that cross. If you choose to accept His gift of life,
you can begin living your life with and for Him today!”
“And, you begin this life by
being baptized?” The eunuch asked.
“That’s right,” Philip said.
“We are coming to a bridge,” the
eunuch said. “Would you baptize me, now?”
“Do you accept Jesus’ death in
your place and desire His gift of eternal life?” Philip asked.
“Yes, yes!” the eunuch shouted.
“Oh, yes I do!”
“Then stop the chariot!” Philip
said excitedly.
For the rest of the story, order a copy today!
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