Thursday, June 27, 2013

Bible Study Resources

As a regular participant in a weekly Bible Study Group (called "Sabbath School" in the Adventist denomination) and having served as a Sabbath School Director and an Adventist Church Pastor, I am passionate about small group Bible studies. Below is a compilation of articles, discussion guides, stories and more.

Simple Bible Study Discussion Guide: A single-sheet template for preparing and running a discussion based on a passage of Scripture.

28 Stories: Story-based baptismal studies.

Teaching Great Sabbath School Studies: My strategy for leading Adult Study Guide-based Sabbath School classes.

StartWarmers - Start each small group meeting with the heart.

Sabbath School Stories

Published as "Building a Fellowship System"
in Sabbath School Toolbox - Q3 & Q4 2014
Steve's First Sabbath School - A Parable
The story of a healthy holistic Bible study group that put into practice the following Mission Statement.

Sabbath School Mission statement " Published in 2014 in two parts in the print edition of "Sabbath School Toolbox".

Jesus Comes to Sabbath School - A Parable
What if Jesus came to your Bible Study Group? This parable leads the reader into a time of repentance and confession that will quicken your heart and strengthen your faith. Written as a study help for week 6, Q3 2013.

Sabbath School Manifesto and Training Articles

4 Ways to Make Sabbath School Great Again
This is my Vision and Mission Statement of how to have a healthy life-giving church. Just like the early Seventh-day Adventist movement, it all starts with effective holistic Sabbath School classes!

The Secret of Our Strength
Using the story of the strongman Samson, the strength of the Seventh-day Adventist Church is explored particularly focusing on well-run holistic Sabbath school classes.

Sabbath School reStoried
Storytelling is the purpose of Sabbath School because this is the purpose of community. We were created for a story greater than our moment in time and are only fully alive when we take our place in the story of the ages as both character and narrator. His story is your story is my story is our story is salvation's story for the world.

The Purpose 
This short piece explores the purpose of Sabbath school, links it with the primary purpose of being a Christian and ends with a personal challenge!

Energise your Sabbath School - A Workshop
This video of a workshop I ran demonstrates how your church can empower Sabbath School to fulfil its purpose: Grow the church!

The Perfect Sabbath School
A short piece I wrote reflecting on the four-fold mission of Sabbath School.

1 comment:

Dave Edgren ~ Story: Teller, Author, Trainer ~

BOOK DAVE NOW! Dave Edgren is passionate about creating a values-based storytelling culture. In his engaging and often hilarious way,...