Thursday, August 18, 2011
Road Trip Diary - Day 13 & 14
Monday, August 15, 2011
Road Trip Diary - Day 12 - Book Launch
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Road Trip Diary - Day 10 & 11 - Move with The Power 3
Road Trip Diary - Day 9
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Road Trip Diary - Day 8
I did not know how beautiful Lismore is! With rolling hillsides and a river meandering through, the town is dotted with bridges and parks. To get to Blue Hills College you travel up a steep hillside road to the top of the world and descend into a lovely glade in which the school is tucked. Such beauty!
My first visit today was with the Primary Principal/Librarian who happily purchased a set of my books for the school library. So far, every school I have visited has taken a set of books for the students to read. This makes it really easy to recommend the books to the classes. First I show them the books then I tell them their library now has them. They get so excited!
For the first hour of the day, I joined the combined year 5 and 6 classes for the story seat workshop. In the story seat workshop I first teach the CGCV concept I explained in the Day 7 Diary and then I give them “the legs a storyteller STANDS on” … The two sections together (CGCV and STANDS) create a diagram of a three legged stool or seat. I’ll take a picture of the board the next time I teach it, so I can post it here.
The legs of the seat – the legs a storyteller ST-AN-DS on are the three things a person must know to be a great storyteller. They are: ST – your Style of Telling; AN – your Audience’s Needs; and DS – the Details of the Story. When you have a good understanding of all three of these things, you become a fully confident storyteller.
After the story seat workshop, I visited 3 classrooms – 4, 3, and combined kinder/pre-kinder, In each, I told the story of Hillel who gave the “one foot Law” to a young sceptic. You can read the story in “The Kingdom Scroll” in the chapter titled “One Foot Law.” This story is my favourite way to teach the Golden Rule.
Once I was done talking to kids, I visited the library and then hopped in the car and headed to sunny Queensland. Now, I am safely residing in my Dad’s holiday home in Cooroy. Tomorrow I visit one more school and then head to the opening night of “Move with the Power III” – Another great day coming up!
Road Trip Diary - Day 7
After leaving Macquarie College on Tuesday , I drove to Kempsy and had a great night chatting with my good friends Michael and Bethany Chapman. We had a lot of laughs – sharing favourite yotube clips and telling stories of life. Great times!
The next morning I went to the Kempsy Adventist School for a day full of fun with kids. I spent the morning with the 3 upper primary classes – 40 minutes in each – teaching story structure and helping them get started on writing stories of their own. It is so much fun to see kids emerse themselves in creating stories.
For those of you who are wondering, the story structure I teach is CGCV – every good story has all four of these key elements: Characters, Goals, Conflict and Values. The more time you spend developing these four areas before you start writing the story, the less time you’ll spend deleting and rewriting stuff!
After lunch, I spoke to the high school students for their Week of Worship program. The week is based on the life of Joseph. They have a ripper of a drama that both students and teachers perform each day. The Wednesday section of the story was when Joseph was in jail and interpreted the dreams of the baker and butler. The topic I was assigned: How do you live by God’s values when you are in a horrible place? I talked about living by Kingdom values – no matter where you are. Jesus taught how to be free even when living in a country occupied by the enemy. He taught a way to live in quiet rebellion to the laws of domination and be free in your mind and heart.
After chapel, I drove to Lismore where I found an inexpensive caravan park and holed up in a cabin for the night!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
Road Trip Diary - Day 6
Monday, August 08, 2011
Road Trip Diary - Day 5 (3 schools in 1 day!)
I visited three schools today. The first school was the Strathfield campus of Sydney Adventist College where I took staff worship and then lead out in a 90 minute Story-structure and storytelling workshop.
Road Trip Day 4 - Travel time
After dropping Mikey off, I drove to Sydney. I arrived at the San Hostel in Wahroonga at about 1pm and spent the afternoon and evening blogging and watched a movie with lunch and another with dinner! What a relaxing day!
Sunday, August 07, 2011
Road Trip Day 3 - Sabbath with Canberra National
Road Trip Diary - Day 2 (Part 2 - Big Idea Youth Bible Study)

Road Trip Diary - Day 2 (Part 1 - a Day with Mikey)

Road Trip Diary - Day 1
Dave Edgren ~ Story: Teller, Author, Trainer ~
BOOK DAVE NOW! Dave Edgren is passionate about creating a values-based storytelling culture. In his engaging and often hilarious way,...

More Bible Study and Sabbath School Resources Introduction Sabbath School was the backbone of the early Adventist church. As a people of the...
More Bible Study and Sabbath School Resources Using a simple tea bag you can share the key points of the Gospel story. You will need: 1....