God's Mission, My Mission
Thank you: paypal.me/davedgren
Opening Question:
We’ve all experienced physical healing. Cuts. Breaks. Colds. COVID.
Which personal time of healing in your life stands out? Why?
Q. Before reading the passage below, ask 2 people to summarize the passage afterwards.
Passage: Mark 1:21-2:12
Read the entire Passage out loud.
Q. Ask for the summaries before any discussion.
Q. What did the summaries focus on? Why?
Q. What new or surprising thought came to mind while reading this passage?
Me: Peter’s favourite healing story - Mark 1:31
Q. What questions does this passage bring up for you?
Q. Which part of this passage brought up strong feelings for you?
Why do you think it had this impact on you?
Me: Mark 1:32 - Imagine everyone going home after the healings at ‘church’. “We’ve gotta take Mama to Jesus.” “We’ve gotta take little Josiah to Jesus!” Then, they waited. All afternoon. Begging the sun to go down faster. As they watched the sun finally set, they emerged from their houses - dozens of them with sick family members. Quickly, they gathered at the door of Peter’s house. And Jesus healed them, one by one. Even though it was dark, the rest of the town came to watch! Here’s the sad part: The Sabbath had become a stumbling block in the lives of the Jewish people. The “teachers of the Law” had turned the Sabbath, which was meant to be God’s day of healing and re-creation, into a wedge between God and humanity - one that kept people from bringing their sick to Jesus. No wonder Jesus did so much healing on the Sabbath! He was resetting the purpose of the Sabbath!
Q. In this passage, in what different ways does Jesus help the needy?
Q. Review Mark 1:33, Mark 1:45, Mark 2:2 What is Mark suggesting will happen when you are meeting the needs of people?
Q. Interspersed in this healing montage, Mark demonstrates that the religious leaders and system are hindering rather than helping people. Why would Mark do this? (See Mark 1:22, 32, 43-44; Mark 2:6-8)
Q. Mark intentionally sandwiched healing stories within the calling of disciples.
(See the surrounding stories of Mark 1:16-20 and Mark 2:13-14).
Why would Mark teach Jesus' style of disciple-making this way?
What is Mark saying about the ministry of Jesus?
What is Mark saying about disciple-making in the church?
Q. Does Mark 1:35-36 fit in the middle of this healing story-set? Why?
How does this verse encourage you in your discipleship?
Q. In Mark’s day, how did sickness and demons correlate? (Mark 1:32-34)
What about today? How are things different? Why?
The incarnated Jesus spoke into Mark’s world as a local!
“All things to all people. So that by all means, He might reach many.”
Where might Jesus focus His healing ministry today?
(Mental Health? Community/family? Cancer?)
“WWJD” - wrong question. He’s in me. What will I do?
“WWJHMD” - What would Jesus have me do?
Q. How does this passage increase your love for Jesus and other people?
Q. Is there a particular person you feel impressed to share part of today’s study with? Who? Why them?
Closing Prayer